Apply for Funding

The BTC Area Youth Benefit Corp (AYBC) board delegates funds to youth individuals or groups requesting financial support for programs, activities, and opportunities that help young people grow into strong and engaged community leaders.

First and foremost, please review our Charitable Contributions Policy.

If you have questions about requesting funding, please contact us directly and we will be happy to discuss opportunities to support your youth initiative!

AYBC Grant Application

You will be redirected to Blackbaud Applicant Portal to sign in and complete your application.

First-time users will be prompted to create an account on the platform. Creating an account allows you to track the status of your applications, receive updates, and manage your submissions efficiently.

BTC Area Youth Benefit Contributes to Many Causes and Organizations


Band uniforms, school music departments, scholarships to support traveling choir contestants ...


Rotary Club sponsorships, Kiwanis drives, YMCA, 4-H sponsorships, FFA, community centers, North Missouri Center for Youth & Families ...


MSHSAA state champ sponsorships, booster clubs, parks and rec departments, traveling teams, uniforms ...

Livestock Judging

Donations for national livestock judging teams, county-level livestock judging team contributions, livestock pavillions, general 4-H club donations ...


Area school district contributions, literacy nights, scholarships, art departments, sponsorships for traveling program participants ...

And More!

Technology grants and in-kind purchases, contest sponsorships, medical benefit events participation, and so much more!